Simple Python Task - Upwork
Būsena | UŽDARYTA |
Biudžetas | 501-1000 Eur |
Sukurta: | 2021-07-29 |
Baigiasi: | 2021-08-05 |
Siūlo: | Nėra |
Apibūdinimas: | Family tree's and genealogy software has become more and more prevalent in recent years. From the name you might expect that a family tree would be easily represented by a tree structure,but that is not the case! A more appropriate data structure to represent a family tree would be a type of graph. Using the description of the family that accompanies this assignment, you must represent this family using a graph structure.The graph needs to be a weighted graph. The weights will constitute the types of relationships, I recommend using some kind mapping between numbers and strings to represent the relationships. When adding family members to the graph,this can be done programmatical ly for the provided family members within the description file. Additionally, Ialso want there to be an interface in which a user can create a new family member and add them to the tree. This can be a simple CU where the user provides a name,gender, and age to create a person. Then another simple CU where they select which member of the family they want the original relationship to be with and what kind of relationship it should be. Finally, they can edit the family member using another CU and selecting the family member they wish to edit,the operation they wish to perform (edit name, edit age, edit relationship), and then add new relationship between family members which can call a function that you create in order to add the original relationship. Remember the DRY philosophy,where code can be modularized or made into a function, it should be if you plan on using the logic again. Finally, Iwant you to make data assertions within the FamilyTree class that enforce certain "rules" that exist in a typical human family. An example would be a person should not have any kind of relationship to itself (a person can not marry themselves, a person can not be their own brother, sister,father, mother,etc.). There should be at least 3 data assertions. These should exists as part of the family tree, not as part of the graph. Budget: $30 Posted On: July 29, 2021 03:46 UTC Category: Machine Learning Skills:Python Skills: Python Country: India click to apply |
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Operacinė Sistema: | Linux |
Siūlymų Skaičius: | 0 |