Seeking Ghostwriter for long term Paranormal Romance series - Upwork
Būsena | UŽDARYTA |
Biudžetas | 501-1000 Eur |
Sukurta: | 2021-07-27 |
Baigiasi: | 2021-08-03 |
Siūlo: | Nėra |
Apibūdinimas: | I am looking for a high quality English speaking ghostwriter in the USA, Canada, Australia, or UK to write a series of short stories - wolf shifter romance mystery. Each story will be about 70 pages (25,000 words). I have the outline, characters, and first few chapters developed for the first story, and need it to be completed ASAP (please state how quickly you can get this story finished). The story needs to be entertaining, and suspenseful, with a cliff hanger ending. If the quality of your work is great and your turn-around time is fair I will hire you for all the short stories in this series. I am looking to pay $200 for this story. I am looking for unique content only, nothing plagiarized or stolen from other sources! No fluff or filler! Budget: $200 Posted On: July 27, 2021 03:49 UTC Category: Ghostwriting Skills:Ghostwriting, Romance Writing, Fiction Writing, Romance, eBook Writing, Creative Writing, eBook, Fiction, Short Story Writing, Writing Skills: Ghostwriting, Romance Writing, Fiction Writing, Romance, eBook Writing, Creative Writing, eBook, Fiction, Short Story Writing, Writing Country: United States click to apply |
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Operacinė Sistema: | Linux |
Siūlymų Skaičius: | 0 |