Data Entry - Convert PDF to Excel Database - Upwork
Būsena | UŽDARYTA |
Biudžetas | 501-1000 Eur |
Sukurta: | 2020-09-21 |
Baigiasi: | 2020-09-28 |
Siūlo: | Nėra |
Apibūdinimas: | Convert two PDF's about 160 pages to Excel Spread Sheet. There are predetermined headlines the content just has to be copied over. Example of the PDF Entry: Playlist Name - MuuTunes: The Workout Curator - Bradley Stern Submissions / Submission Process - Email Submissions Email - Followers -1k Genre - Indie / Alt / Pop / R&B / All Playlist Link / Profile Link aylist/6pOPIviXSX6AHUXQ12ERXs?si=T cWlkF2tR9ShApcjhe_0OQ The completed job will be a an excel file with those headings all the data entered. Posted On: September 21, 2020 02:13 UTC Category: Data Entry Skills:Microsoft Excel, Data Entry, Google Docs, Typing Skills: Microsoft Excel, Data Entry, Google Docs, Typing Country: Canada click to apply |
Darbo Tipas(ai): |
Duomenų Bazė: | |
Operacinė Sistema: | Linux |
Siūlymų Skaičius: | 0 |