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Consultation on Python Text Scraping Algorithm

Biudžetas 501-1000 Eur
Sukurta: 2019-04-30
Baigiasi: 2019-05-07
Siūlo: Nėra
Apibūdinimas: Semi Experienced VBA programmer, new to Python. Need to scrape 1000’s of text files (html files saved as text files) for the same 7 pcs of data (title, start date and time, end date and time, description, venue) Some files have the same html structures but most do not... (Budget: $15 - $25 CAD, Jobs: Excel, Python, Software Architecture, Visual Basic, Web Scraping)

Darbo Tipas(ai):
  • PHP
  • CSS
Duomenų Bazė:
Operacinė Sistema: Linux
Siūlymų Skaičius: 0
Siūlosi Žinutės Kaina Trukmė Įvertinimas Informacija