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***Long Term Partner, Interested In A Potential Equity Stake***

Biudžetas 501-1000 Eur
Sukurta: 2015-01-24
Baigiasi: 2015-01-31
Siūlo: Nėra
Apibūdinimas: Our plan at thestudentstop.com is to create an educational platform that helps supplement education, social interaction and that is marketed specifically towards students. This website will allow students to connect with each other and share valuable educational tools and information while maintaining a healthy social network.  Our team at thestudentstop has spoken with numerous students, advisors and has conducted extensive research on the social and academic needs of today’s student bodies. We have concluded that both groups have expressed a need for technological support that will enhance our students learning abilities and build a foundation for the digital age of tomorrow. Although we have found that students and parents alike describe a need for better academic technological support, both groups also agree that there is a need for better social networking and organizational tools. These issues have been shown to have a detrimental impact on the success of the students academic achievements to the point of complete failure to maintain grades, all the way to complete college withdraw. Thestudenstop.com is dedicated to help ensure the academic success of future generations by providing support essential to academic growth and achievement.  We look forward to building lasting relationships with all our users and will go above and beyond to meet our users expectations.


John E. Swearinger III, Founder/CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Affiliation: University of Kansas School of Business

Blake Woolbright, CTO (Chief Technology Officer) Affiliation: Tradebot VC, Hedgeland Corp.,

Eugene Bender, CFO (Chief Financial Officer) Affiliation: Sea Board Corp.


  - Software - Server Side

     - Build system      : cmake

     - Repository Type   : svn

     - Languages         : C++ / Python

        - C++ libraries export directly to compiled python modules.  Those that don't will eventually.

        - lib_dbi  - Unified MySql / Postgres SQL database library.

           - lib_time - Calendar / Timestamp library.  Provides routine for retrieving, manipulating, comparing, and formatting time values.

           Abstracts away the ugly details that DST, GMT/UTC, and

Timezones create.

           - lib_log  - Unified logging interface.

           - lib_util - Utility support.  Provides routines for misc.

           unixish stuff.  Forking daemon, setting cpu affinity,

           - lib_math - Fast Math.

           - lib_gui  - GUI Abstractions

           - lib_ipc  - Very, very fast networking library based on the

           Observer design pattern.

        - Python code is broken into standalone scripts and cgi scripts.

           - Working on first prototype of website.

           - Looking to use django and pinax to speed prototype


        - Database :

        - Support for MySQL and Postgres.  Currently using MySQL.

        - Current schema has 32 tables and is fully relational.

We also have all of the front end design and layout completed. For any additional information please feel free to inquire.



c++, python, mysql, sql, postgresql, lamp-administration, html, javascript, ajax, php


Skills: research, management, agile, design, engineering

Posted On: January 24, 2015 01:32 UTC
ID: 205050842
Category: Web Development > Web Programming
Skills: Array
Country: United States
click to apply

Darbo Tipas(ai):
  • CSS
  • PHP
Duomenų Bazė:
Operacinė Sistema: Linux
Siūlymų Skaičius: 0
Siūlosi Žinutės Kaina Trukmė Įvertinimas Informacija