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Vote for your favorite mp3

Biudžetas 501-1000 Eur
Sukurta: 2014-01-04
Baigiasi: 2014-01-11
Siūlo: Nėra
Apibūdinimas: Need CodedIgniter/php expert with experience in making login/password protected web page and  submitting/voting/manipulating mp3 files.  Forms, Tables, and Pages already created, with exceptions as noted.  You will  be given ftp login and password to work directly on the three pages involved.  CodeIgniter already installed and  working properly with basic LAMP setup.  Nothing new here, should be easy if you've done work like this previously.

(Not sure what most efficient way of doing this is, to have the mp3 in a folder with a link in mysql or to store the mp3 in  mysql.  Whatever method is used, it needs to be fast, so the user will not have to wait long for an mp3 to start playing  after a previous one was stopped.)  There is at least one mp3 file on the website in the files folder to use for testing.

The way it will work is as follows:

User fills out Submit form with their Email Address, Title of Song, Artists Name, and an mp3 file (form is made, but  don't know how to atttach mp3 to it).  When user sends Submit form a reply email is sent back, "Thanks for submitting  your mp3."  Also, in the email, they will receive a login (their email address) and a randomly generated password  (unique) to access the Voting page.  Password table (already created) has fields of ID, Email, and Password for users to  retrieve their password if they lose theirs. (more on this later)

From the Submit form, data goes directly into Submitted table(already created), which has fields ID, Email, Title, Name,  mp3 (or mp3 may go in a folder with a link stored in mysql, as noted above) and also fields for Date (populated when  the data is added to row in table), and NumVotes. (more on this later)

At same time, the mp3 file has its filename changed to Title.Name.Date.mp3, a 2/3 length copy is made and the copy  (or a link to it) is put on the password protected Voting page.  Files are listed on Voting page in order of how many  votes they have received, the one with the most votes, listed first.  Number of votes is  displayed beside filename,  0 if it  has no votes.  Newest mp3 file always goes to bottom of list.  (Maybe this needs to be two lists, first listed in  descending order by number of votes, the second right below first, oldest date, first.  As soon as an mp3 receives a vote  it is transferred from the second to first.  Whatever is easier, one or two lists, doesn't matter.)

When user goes to Voting page, a small Login form comes up (not yet made) with fields for Login and Password, a line  to click if they've forgotten their password ("If you've forgotten you password, click here."), and a submit button.  After  entering correct Login and Password,  user will see the list of mp3 files, as previously described.  If they forget their  password, when they click on the word "here", the password is sent to the email address listed in the Password table.  

When user double clicks on the mp3 filename, it will start playing the mp3 as soon as possible and a small Voting form  will open.  The first three fields of Voting form will auto-populate with Title, Name, and Date of the mp3 file.  There are  also two radio buttons, one for "Yes, I might purchase this song", or, "No, I won't purchase this song".  In addition, there  are field for Voters Email Address and Comments.  (form is made, but don't know how to make it  small, auto-populate,  and come up at same time as playing the mp3 file, and there needs to be a minimum of 15 characters entered in  Comments text field if Yes is selected, for form to be submitted.)  

If No is selected on Voting form, the mp3 file stops playing and Voting form closes, no data is transferred.  If Yes is  selected, Data is transferred to both Voted table and Submitted table.  Voted table has fields of ID, Title, Name, Date,  VoterEmail, Comments, and VoteDate (populated when data is added to row).  Also, when  Yes radio button is  selected, NumVotes number in the Submitted table  and number of votes displayed next to mp3 filename on Voting page  are incremented by one.

I am available for any questions.    Please see attachment for full description.

Please give estimate of how much this will cost and how long it will take you to write the code.  More work may be available, if this is done well.


Budget: $400
Posted On: January 04, 2014 01:48 UTC
ID: 203457501
Category: Web Development > Web Programming
Skills: codeigniter,database-programming,php
Country: United States
click to apply

Darbo Tipas(ai):
  • CSS
  • PHP
Duomenų Bazė:
Operacinė Sistema: Linux
Siūlymų Skaičius: 0
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