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merge all the tables and come up with consolidated for Tableau visualization. need today - Upwork

Biudžetas 501-1000 Eur
Sukurta: 2021-04-08
Baigiasi: 2021-04-15
Siūlo: Nėra
Apibūdinimas: we have Xls which contained 7 tabs with Different Data, where we need to merge all the tables and come up with consolidated output with your inference on data for visualization. In Tableau needs to create visualization ex- 3 to 4 KPI’s and Few different charts.

Below is the information on data.

Origin-query: This page downloads the planned start-end dates as well as actual start-end dates of individual orders. It also captures actual order quantity vs scheduled with units. This page also serves as source for dispensing orders since there is no separate query page for dispensing. This is due to the fact that dispensing orders have different nature than the other orders.

AZO-query: This page downloads take-out information based on the AZOCOMP production unit since all the items coming out of dispensing is issued to the order at this stage.

TBL-query: This page captures information for orders running on compression production units.

COAT-query: This sheet covers coating relevant information (coating and coating solution orders).

TBS-query: This sheet provides information on tablet blending system orders. It mainly serves Flintstones brand. Columns A-L has the same structure with sheets “AZO-query”, “TBL-query” and “COAT-query”.

B2_MAN-query: This page downloads information from the MES orders run at B2. The query is more simple since the workflow is straight forward.

PKG-query: This is the final page and for packaging. Columns A-M has similar query structure when compared to previous sheets. One small difference; it also captures the batch record release signature date for target finished product.

Budget: $20

Posted On: April 08, 2021 02:32 UTC
Category: Data Visualization
Skills:Tableau, Data Analysis, Data Visualization

Skills: Tableau, Data Analysis, Data Visualization
Country: India

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Darbo Tipas(ai):
  • PHP
  • CSS
Duomenų Bazė:
Operacinė Sistema: Linux
Siūlymų Skaičius: 0
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