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Angular Reactive form + JSON editor - Upwork

Biudžetas 501-1000 Eur
Sukurta: 2020-11-03
Baigiasi: 2020-11-10
Siūlo: Nėra
Apibūdinimas: Create a reactive form + Integrate ace editor (json editor for angular)  in Jhipster module.

It would be best if JSOn editor can be created as one of reusable module of Jhipster.

Budget: $12

Posted On: November 03, 2020 03:38 UTC
Category: Front-End Development
Skills:Web Application, JavaScript, AngularJS, TypeScript

Skills: Web Application, JavaScript, AngularJS, TypeScript
Country: Germany

click to apply

Darbo Tipas(ai):
  • PHP
  • CSS
Duomenų Bazė:
Operacinė Sistema: Linux
Siūlymų Skaičius: 0
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