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Program To Identify Webs

Biudžetas 501-1000 Eur
Sukurta: 2015-05-12
Baigiasi: 2015-05-19
Siūlo: Nėra
Apibūdinimas: Build a robot system that receives a file excel xls including a numbered list with a number of websites for example 1000 webs The system must to process this file and return the excel file with the information from the following site ... (Budget $1000-$5000, Required Skills: PHP, PHP IIS MS SQL)

Darbo Tipas(ai):
  • CSS
  • PHP
Duomenų Bazė:
Operacinė Sistema: Linux
Siūlymų Skaičius: 0
Siūlosi Žinutės Kaina Trukmė Įvertinimas Informacija